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Coordinate covalent bonding 

Understanding covalent bond coordination A previous discussion of covalent bonds has made it clear that the notion of covalent bonding is the use of a shared electron pair. The formation of an allied electron pair does not have to always come from both sides of the attached atom, but can come from one side only, but still belongs together. Thus in this case there is a donor and there is an acceptor of the electron pair. Such a bond is of course a covalent bond and is often expressed specifically as a coordinate covalent bond or covalent coordinate bond with an arrow symbol from the donor atom toward the acceptor, although this is not a necessity. Example of coordination covalent bonding For example, the coordination covalent bond is an ammonia compound, NH3, consisting of three pair of allied electrons for three single N-H covalent bonds. However, since the N atom has five valence electrons, there is still a pair of electrons instead of a bond or a pair of electron electrons. If the NH3 molecule joins the H + ion (hydrogen without the electrons) forming the NH4 + ion, then there is only one possible formation of the allele pair of electrons coming from the N atom as the coordination covalent bond, which can be illustrated in the following figure. The fact that the four N-H covalent bonds have the same bond length suggests that a particular description of the coordination covalent bond is useless unless it only indicates the process of electron-pair pair formation alone and therefore the ion charge belongs to the entire ammonium group.

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